About Us

Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Physiological Sciences.

Our faculty members have unique backgrounds of neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, molecular neuroscience, and are studying the molecular pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders and somatosensory dysfunctions using mouse genetic manipulation, in vivo calcium imaging, behavioral test battery, etc.

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our laboratory or collaboration.

What's New

Review article for novel analgesics was published in Drugs.
The homepage of our laboratory has been published.
Professor Nawa was awarded the title of Professor Emeritus at Niigata University.
Associate Professor Kiguchi received the 2021 Wakayama Medical University Achievement Award.
Our Laboratory has newly started.


25-1 Shichibancho, Wakayama City,
Wakayama 640-8156, Japan
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Wakayama Medical University


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